Saturday, February 26, 2022

Language Practice Group

Dialogue With RCS: Call it a Magic Table Dialogue Group. Call it a Dialogue For Peace group. Call it an English Language Practice Group.

                As an English Language Practice Group it can be easy enough to be practical and productive for a beginning learner; it can be enjoyable enough and culturally enhancing enough for a native speaker of English to keep her coming back; it is a focused practice of listening to, and hearing a variety of individuals speaking English. 

                So our "ELPG" helps a beginning learner to hear the sounds of English as he listens to a variety of speakers say a few sentences on a limited topic. He experiences a focused intensive listening practice. He also has opportunities to choose the topic. When he is taking English class elsewhere to he will see his learning exhilarate.

                This practice group can be of considerable interest to a native speaker. Such an English speaker can learn fun and empowering cultural enhancing rules of Magic Table Dialogue, she can also learn the Dialogue for Peace skills for dealing with and appreciating the assumptions and opinions perhaps very different from her own. She can also make friends with with individuals of a different language and culture than her own.

                The middle ground learner of English can build his own word power by hearing targeted words in context. He also learns hear the English of a variety of speakers rather than just the pronunciation and manner of speaking of the teacher. He will here a number of people speak a given word in their own way. Hearing and listening to this speech for, say, pronunciation and intonation is great language practice. This practice combined with hearing a  single word in a variety of sentences leads the learner into meaning and understanding in context. Practice is the main is the main aim here and listening is the principle practice. He will also get his turn by a very interested group of individual. He will say his few words. He will be listened to closely by the group.

    Our dialogue is not a substitute for other language studies. However, you could learn a valuable practice which serve you for a lifetime.You will experience meaning in dialogue.

What's in it for you?
* You can improve your listening skills.   
* You can practice hearing what is said.
* You can practice using a language other than your own. 
* You can improve your understanding of language and people.
* You will be listened to.
* You will learn to understand a variety of English speakers.
* You will learn to be understood as you speak English.

                                                                by Richard


Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Democratic Meeting: Hints about it's nature (The people have fogotten that it is about them)

Dialogue With RCS: Meetings and perhaps especially democratic meetings can benefit from the kind of dialogue we have begun to look at.


            Here are some hints for recognizing a democratic meeting. Can you see where bits of our dialogue methods are being used. Can you imagine where the needs and purposes of people might be better met through to use of our dialogue skills and methods?
             As you look over the hints below you may find it useful to keep in mind that all democracy is participatory and that each democratic meeting can be a powerful learning experience for those attending. Some participants may be making some intrinsic rules for effective and just communication more evident to themselves. That is they may be learning about effective and fair communication through observation. 

On to the hints. A meeting is more democratic the more it is: 

~ of, by, and for the participants.
~ free from outside powers.
~ autonomous. 
~ in a neutral place.
~ tending to be inclusive.
~ understood to be an important listening experience.
~ designed to keep leadership roles to a minimum and of wide participation. Take turns.
~ is a "teach in" and a learning experience.
~ a time more for understanding and less for decision. (decision is easier where there is understanding first.)
~ less authoritarian and hierarchical and more horizontal and egalitarian. 
~ a time for thinking together. 
~ a time when your comments and and communications are best addressed to the group as a whole.
~ a time to practice good manners and honesty.

Here are some happenings that may occur at a meeting whether it is democratic or not: 

~ Politics may be being practiced.
~ Some may be consciously practicing dialogue skills, methods, and techniques.
~ Some are finding that their respect and courtesy are good for them and for others.
~ Others may be increasing their understanding of the vocabulary of the business at hand. 
            These hints are less about arrival and more about orientation.
            Thank you for reading. Read again on this blog whenever you like.