A new kind of dialogue. A dialogue for peace. A dialogue for meaning and understanding. A dialogue for thinking together. An exposition of dialogue group and dialogue practice. This is an ongoing blog with posts added often. The blog is searchable in several ways. This blog is meant to be an interactive experience.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
More About the Nature of Our Dialogue
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Doing It
Ways of do this dialogue:
The group:
The meeting place can be important to the practice of a dialogue group:
As a matter of interest:
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Who Is Interested in Interacting With This Site?
I will ramble on a bit longer here but it seems it is getting close to time to shut down Dialogue With RCS for lack of interest. The site has been up for over two years and is averaging only about 400 views a month and in that time I have only been contacted once. I incorrectly expected more exchanges with readers and perhaps some "How to" questions.
I will keep you informed about my intentions. It may be useful for me to move some of this site to the Governance With RCS site. The Dialogue is an important part of governance and taking care of ourselves together.
Another Ramble Into Dialogue Practice:
The Dialogue is Not:
The Practice Calls For Your Effort:
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Dialogue Practice Group Benefits
More meaning in you your life, better understand of others, a way to a better world, being listened to.
Benefits include:
~ learning to make yourself heard.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Learning to Organize as We Organize to Learn
There is a hope among us that we can effectively co-operate for our mutual well-being; that is to co-operate for the well-being of our health, education, economy, civic life, and more. We know about co-operation, but many of us seem to be out of practice.
In order to organize to get something going, or to keep it going, we need to co-operate pretty well. That takes talking, it takes communication, and it takes practice. To keep on the same track or on the same page, often takes an ongoing conversation or dialogue. Carrying on a dialogue conversation effectively takes some practice and a bit of learning.
Listening and Acton:
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Dialogue Groups
Dialogue Practice Is
It can look like a parlor game:
It is not about dice or pairs it is a lot about group communication. There is a bit to learn. It may seem like a parlour game and it is a little like that and there is some fun in it, but it can have a much bigger payoff.
Our dialogue talk is designed to create areas of coherence in the vastness of misunderstanding. Often a major benefit of our dialogue is to give us a better chance to experience the power of collectively shared meaning which we have created. Most ordinary talk in our society may be called incoherent. To learn to do our dialogue talk, takes ongoing practice. This practice we have called Dialogue for Peace, Magic Table Dialogue, and just The Dialogue. The Dialogue has rules which call for practice. The rules need not be rigid, but they do call for practice which is important.
It can be a worthy effort:
The Dialogue is aimed at learning to think together coherently. Thinking together coherently calls for sustained practice. An early practice may be called a listening practice, but calls for some use of your voice as well as of your ears and mind. Thinking together is both satisfying and a great power. We believe that it is well worth the effort.
This thinking together is a learning and growth process. It occurs on various levels of consciousness. It occurs in one, in mental talk to one's self, or even on unspoken levels. We could just say that a lot of learning goes on in dialogue practice.
Make comments below. I respect suggestions and am grateful for them.
Suggestions about how the dialogue might be done online can benefit us.
You may place whatever you have to say in the "Comment" area below anonymously, with a pen name, or just your regular name.
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Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Group Dialogue Practice: hints for creating successful group practice
This whole blog is much about group dialogue practice and this is more on that same theme. Dialogue of this sort is often called social dialogue. Social dialogue has been called a pillar of social resiliance and cohesion. It makes our co-operation more powerfully effective. It may be that which makes human and humane co-operation possible. Using language is a marvel of humanity. By the time you have read a dozen of these little essays, you will have provided yourself the ability to recognize a successful dialogue group and know much of the reasons why it is successful.
~In the very beginning it helps to have at least 6 or 7 interested persons committed to three or four consecutive meetings. This could be called your pilot group. Forty practicants is too many for most well working groups.
~ During practice one person addresses the group as a whole and avoids directing her words to only a few persons at a time.
~ The practice is mostly a listening practice with one person speaking and the rest listening. Even so, all intened to make sure that every one has an equal opportunity to speak.
~ Remember that the speaker is most likely doing his best to be honest and to make his words understood.
~ Avoid interrupting another. You will have your chance to speak and other times to listen. The dialogue continues so that there is more oppertunity to understand and to be understood. If a speaker is interrupted several listeners may be interrupted and so the effectiveness of the practice may be damaged.
~ Keep expenses to a minimum. Everyone helps take care of necessary expenses, Do your part as you are able to.
~ Listen well to that which the speaker is saying. Improved understanding is an aimof your group.
~ Practice listening wel and gain more powerful listening and understanding skills.
~ Encourage each and every one to use their opportunity to say something at each meeting. Their words and yours are gifts to each of us.
~ Usually limit speaking to one or two minutes. It is great to have time to speak more than once at a meeting.
~ Rememvber that focusing dialogue on the topic and on personal experience is good practice.
The hints offered here can be useful for keeping the practice pleasant and effective, but are far from all inclusive or comprehensive. There is much more offered in other posts on this blog. Consider beginning a practice group of your own, if you have not already done so.
Thank you for your visit and for reading.
Saturday, February 11, 2023
This Practice is old and it is New, It's Powerful Too
The Practice of Dialogue
Dialogue including: A bit of a definition of our usefully different kind of dialogue. You may have heard or read information before. Read it again here and make sure that it is active in your memory. It is important that you do so. You will benefit.
I write about a new kind of dialogue. It is mostly for groups of as small as 9 to groups of about 39.
Below are some descriptive notes about what is, and what it is not. See other posts on the benefits of this more productive and satisfying way to communicate. It can work wonders with your husband and has been successful in some very large groups.
Our dialogue practice is not a:
~ place to make a particular point prevail.
~ debate or even a discussion.
~ time to attempt to make points.
~ game to win or lose.
This new dialogue practice is a way to:
~ meaning and understanding.
~ an activity which helps us to be us.
~ through the meaning of word.
~ an honest, supportive activity.
~ greater awareness and enhanced consciousness.
~ hone your listening skills.
~ develop new speaking skills.
~ effective methods of communication.
~ cultural preservation and creation.
~ make a healthy, effective society more probable.
~ meet interested people in an interesting environment.
~ put honest thoughts "on the table" where we can look at them and begin to find their meaning.
~ be heard.
~ find pleasure in speaking-up.
~ understanding among us and within us.
~ satisfying relationship.
~ exchange idea and opinion more safely.
~ share experience.
~ more effective communication beyond the group.
~ practice a "second" language.
~ peace and good will.
~ to see our words as gifts.
According to Dr. David Bohm a similar dialogue practice is:
~ participating in a flow of meaning between us, through us, and among us.
~ an activity out of which emerges new and renewed understanding.
~ an activity which helps us to be an us.
Could you find a way to practice a dialogue of this sort? Could you practice a dialogue more of this sort in your group?
You can open a window below to make a comment, a suggestion, and ask a question. You might have to click on where where "no comment" is printed below.
Thanks for reading.