A new kind of dialogue. A dialogue for peace. A dialogue for meaning and understanding. A dialogue for thinking together. An exposition of dialogue group and dialogue practice. This is an ongoing blog with posts added often. The blog is searchable in several ways. This blog is meant to be an interactive experience.
Monday, June 10, 2024
A Good Time to Listen to One Another
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Satisfying and Effective Group Talk
The nature of this group talk, called dialogue
There are ways of speaking that are often more effective for good lives, good living, and for good dialogue. Ways that make dialogue better for improving our lives are available. That way of speaking takes practice. That practice is best when it includes: a bit of love; abundant respect, honesty and courtesy; civility and kindness are also helpful. Careful and practiced listening are a must. It can be a pleasant ongoing practice. Some call it dialogue practice.
Dialogue can be considered group conversation. It can include an exchange of ideas and opinions. Meaningfulness can be a measure of this conversation. It is good talk among more than two persons. Good talk calls for good listening. Good listening usually calls for meaningful practice. This dialogue is one good way of getting to know one another. It is also a good way to develop appropriate trust for one another. It can be used for fun and learning. Such good group talk can include a sharing of feelings, thoughts, and opinions with an honest desire to understand one another.
Uses of dialogue.
Think together.
About the nature of the dialogue
More about the nature of thinking together and beginning to be more clearly aware of its value
All there is to it is to do it and enjoy the process
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Who Is Interested in Interacting With This Site?
I will ramble on a bit longer here but it seems it is getting close to time to shut down Dialogue With RCS for lack of interest. The site has been up for over two years and is averaging only about 400 views a month and in that time I have only been contacted once. I incorrectly expected more exchanges with readers and perhaps some "How to" questions.
I will keep you informed about my intentions. It may be useful for me to move some of this site to the Governance With RCS site. The Dialogue is an important part of governance and taking care of ourselves together.
Another Ramble Into Dialogue Practice:
The Dialogue is Not:
The Practice Calls For Your Effort:
Saturday, February 11, 2023
This Practice is old and it is New, It's Powerful Too
The Practice of Dialogue
Dialogue including: A bit of a definition of our usefully different kind of dialogue. You may have heard or read information before. Read it again here and make sure that it is active in your memory. It is important that you do so. You will benefit.
I write about a new kind of dialogue. It is mostly for groups of as small as 9 to groups of about 39.
Below are some descriptive notes about what is, and what it is not. See other posts on the benefits of this more productive and satisfying way to communicate. It can work wonders with your husband and has been successful in some very large groups.
Our dialogue practice is not a:
~ place to make a particular point prevail.
~ debate or even a discussion.
~ time to attempt to make points.
~ game to win or lose.
This new dialogue practice is a way to:
~ meaning and understanding.
~ an activity which helps us to be us.
~ through the meaning of word.
~ an honest, supportive activity.
~ greater awareness and enhanced consciousness.
~ hone your listening skills.
~ develop new speaking skills.
~ effective methods of communication.
~ cultural preservation and creation.
~ make a healthy, effective society more probable.
~ meet interested people in an interesting environment.
~ put honest thoughts "on the table" where we can look at them and begin to find their meaning.
~ be heard.
~ find pleasure in speaking-up.
~ understanding among us and within us.
~ satisfying relationship.
~ exchange idea and opinion more safely.
~ share experience.
~ more effective communication beyond the group.
~ practice a "second" language.
~ peace and good will.
~ to see our words as gifts.
According to Dr. David Bohm a similar dialogue practice is:
~ participating in a flow of meaning between us, through us, and among us.
~ an activity out of which emerges new and renewed understanding.
~ an activity which helps us to be an us.
Could you find a way to practice a dialogue of this sort? Could you practice a dialogue more of this sort in your group?
You can open a window below to make a comment, a suggestion, and ask a question. You might have to click on where where "no comment" is printed below.
Thanks for reading.
Friday, February 3, 2023
Space and Time for a Dialogue Practice Group
You can find space and time to let more meaning and understanding into your life. Dialogue practice can be a way to meaning, understanding, and more. You can find space and time to bring dialogue practice into your life. This blog deals with a kind of dialogue practice which you may find interesting and and more useful than you may imagine just now. This post deals with the nature of effective dialogue and its practice.
I have found that the practice works best face to face in a group. Such a dialogue practice group calls for a designate space and time. The best space or place is often quiet and private. The best time is often a bit more than an hour at a time about once a week. The time a place is for the benefit of group members ought to satisfy them. Practice groups are best when open to a wide variety of participants. Groups are open, but the number of participants is best limited to less than 40 members. Also it is best when membership is 17 or more; however, successful groups have begun with fewer.
Group practice takes time a commitment. It be best done once a week for about an hour or two persession. This is best done forever, but few of us live that long. By using the hints and suggestions found here you can give your group a good chance for successful operation bringing powerful to skills to your members. With love, even a couple can benefit from the skills learned.
Again, time for your practice is important. A good goal to aim for might be to find a time good for 20 individuals to meet once a week for an hour and a half each session. A good aim might be to meet for 40 weeks each year.
Among the first steps an individual might take is to decide how she intends to show up for group practice. Another step is to actually show up. A great third step could be to arrange to attend complete practice meetings each week for the next couple of months.
As she continues her weekly practice sessions she may observe her dialogue companions becoming more effective listeners and more cogent speakers. She could see here companions speaking up, so as to be more successfully heard. She may also come to other members listening more attentively to a member speaking to the group. She might see her good friend in the group honestly express an opinion or describe and experience she has had. She will see fellow dialoguers developing and using new dialogue skills and and attitudes, before she herself becomes aware of her development.
With your help we can continue to review the benefits of our dialogue practice. I have read of independent groups practicing this kind of dialogue for a variety of reasons, including the belief that it maintains, strengthens, and creates culture! I have begun to mention a few of the benefits in this essay. Examples are that it can: bring more meaning and understanding to our lives, improve listening and speaking skills, underline the value of showing up, provide opportunity to observe a variety of speakers and listeners, give you the chance to be listened to, and we may discover more.
When your interest in this dialogue grows you can try to find a an active group near you. Or, if you know a couple of others who share your interest, you could form your own practice group. When you begin actual practice please feel free to report your experience by clicking on "comments" below. Also know that you are free to ask questions or to make comments whenever you wish.
Some simple doings have proven helpful. For example, it seems best to form a circle with chairs facing toward the center and so offering participants a good view of one another. In that circle one often begins to see that participants begin to look less and less to a designated authority and that they avoid building a hierarchy. In such a circle they experience getting to know in a way perhaps new to them.
Participants in their own circle begin to want the words spoken there to be honest. They may even to see those words as gifts. The find that their words are listened to attentively and sometimes truly accepted as gifts. Participants share words and begin to find more meaning in that which is said.
Benefits of the dialogue are gained through practice. There are many ways to practice. Participants in the practice find that there rules(some correctly call them ways)which they learn, most of them are simple and important. They find that their are helpful suggestions available for making the practice more effective and more pleasant. Participants find that a significant number of those rules and suggestions are not completely new to them.
Most practice is easy to do and easy to understand; even so, ongoing practice is important to making them yours. Some of the steps we take may seem very simple, but they lead to good effects and your group will benefit from them. It may not seem like a step, but an example is the practice of appropriate respect and courtesy.
Dialogue practice groups are usually open, but seldom public. Open means that nearly anyone can participate when their are chairs are available. When there are more than about forty individuals who want to participate it is best to consider starting a new group. (When you are interested in discussing this further you may use the comments section below). Seldom public, means that there are usually no observers; when practic begins doors are closed. A dialogue group is not a public forum. A public forum can be, among other things, a wonderful communication container. We can benefit from having and using public forums as we can from dialogue practice groups. However, our practice groups are for teaching our self a different and perhaps higher kind of communication.
A dialogue practice group has ways, means, and aims different from those of public forums. Our ways include practice and democratic inclusion, our main means is our ongoing practice, our aims include bringing more meaning and understanding into our lives and achieving a better understanding of the assumptions and opinions of others. Participants are not interested in bringing others to their point of view. They are more interested in understanding the points of view of others. Some aim to better understand the power of thinking together. Nearly all find that they are listened to more closely than ever.
You can explore this dialogue practice more by reading other posts on this blog and by communication with us by way of the "comments" app just below this posts. You may find that you can enjoy enhanced meaning and understanding in your life and at the same time engender a bit more peace in our world. You may also find yourself becoming a stronger and more effective individual as you develop and ability to think with another.
Thank you for reading.
Bye for now.
Monday, May 2, 2022
We Can Share Meaning
Dialogue With RCS: Listen for Meaning and Understanding; it's about you.
Now is a good time to listen to learn and to be heard and understood. Now may also be a good time to be more clearly aware of improving our listening skills. It is a time to listen with purpose of gaining new understanding rather than to be ready to accept or reject. The time seems right to be less ready with our own defense and to be more ready to get the meaning of and to understand that which we hear.
Effective co-operation is becoming more important than it has been for some time. Effective co-operation is a step toward organizing for our mutual good. The paragraph above points to a way toward more effective co-operation.
You can probably imagine why this is a good time to be aware of the importents of being ready to practice our skills of co-operation. Some are beginning to say that the time is rapidly approaching when we most be able to co-operate well with persons not well known by us! They say that it may take all of us together to adapt successfully to climate change. But there are other reasons. We are responsible for our economy and governance. When we haven't understood the persons available for co-operation with us, we are less able to co-operate well. The practice of appropriate dialogue skills can help us to deal more effectively with the happenings and doings today.
It seems that we lack something very important in our relationships. We seem to lack enough mutual understandings and meanings. We do not share enough meaning and understanding. Suffering this lack is not mandatory. We can share enough and get enough meaning and understanding through certain practices.
Among these practices is listening, listening with the purpose of really understanding. We can listen with the purpose of getting the the meaning of that which is being said. In this process it is fair to ask a question to aid our understanding. It takes practice to do this well. In the listening I write of, it is best to spend less time preparing your response and more time getting at the other's meaning. When it is difficult for me not to be preparing a response instead of listening to find the meaning of what is being said, I have found that it is possible to prepare a friendly question to help me to better understand that which has just been said. We are better served when we make it our purpose to understand.
Our purpose to understand is served when we do what we can to understand that which the speaker is trying to express. We want to understand what she really means to say. She wants us to understand and we want to get her meaning.
To aid that process, it is a good practice to arrange to have a useful place to hear and to be heard. We know we are serious about our intention to hear be heard and to understand and to be understood.
We have begun to speak of doings and practices which help us to have well functioning and satisfying nations, countries, marriages, towns, businesses, counties, societies, states, clubs, friendships and human relationships in general. There are more practices to become familiar with. They are not difficult, but they do take practice.
We have heard it said that we have a problem with communication. We have heard less about the nature of the problem. We certainly have not common to a shared understanding of our difficulty. I haven't heard a discussion of the nature of the nature of the problem yet this month. Part of the problem may be that many have not gotten a useful positive reaction to their efforts at important talk so the engage in less important talk. They may not have been understood or perhaps have not understood others and maybe a hundred other things. So they do something more satisfying. A natural action, but a dangerous one. The usual result is no important talk then no important action. With the help of a dialogue practice group many have done better. With the right practice our important talk can become more properly effective. Our less important talk could become more important and more fun.
There is lots of talk which can be very difficult. One kind that can difficult is when the subject is not easy and we really can't figure out where the ones we are talking with "are coming from." Sometimes it can seem like madness that they could hold such an opinion on the issue. There can arrive a situation in which we can't fathom came to that conclusion. And, they, have no idea of why we can't. Then there are the cases in which we haven't understood why "they' do not consider "that" to even be an issue or a problem.
That might be a good time to head for home and a good TV program. However, if you all had been in a dialogue practice group you may have had a better chance of figurine things out or of coming to some understanding. And you may have come to understand and respect each other more.
I have experienced a way of talking that I have called thinking together. The first time I really took note of the experience was in an occasional university seminar group. Lately I have been calling that kind of talk The Dialogue. I discovered that people around the world know about and practice that kind of talk. I have read about it working in very large groups and between two people. My recent experience of it has been in small groups. It seems to be most effective and satisfying in groups of more than 10 and less than 40.
From the 1970s to today, my interest in the dialogue has continued. I read about it. I participated in groups in which the values and skills of the dialogue were prominent. Experiments, studies, and practices dealing with the dialogue came to my attention. I came to have my experiences and understandings of the dialogue validated. I began to read others as they began to work out practical understandings of the practice. I was learning about the practice of a very useful kind of dialogue.
I found that large corporations were using the dialogue with some success, church were using it, it was being used between religions, married couples had used it as an alternatve to "fair fighting." it has been used in civic and political groups with success. All are finding that it is a practice that is best practiced. Now there are groups practicing the dialogue for the practice. Group members develop skills and understand in the practice which can be used in settings far from their group. Group members also find more personal satisfactions in their practice. They experience positive personal growth and development and a better understanding of the world of humanity in general.
The practice of this dialogue is not new, but a new understanding of its value is growing. Persons practicing the dialogue in a group learn methods and skills that can be used in problem solving and in collaborative action. The practice can be used to clarify an issue or work out a strategy. It has value as a way to coherent meaning and understanding. It is a way to maintain effective and satisfying relationships. Some have found it a fun parlor game.
In these dialogue practice groups I write of an important emphasis is on the individual, individual benefits, equality, power, and value.
However, many of the values and benefits are shared among members of a practice group. For an example, an understanding of a shared body of coherent meaning occurs benefits members as a group. Group members come to a better understanding that we all hold certain opinions and assumptions, that some of them are subconscious, that not all are shared, and that our reasons for holding them may differ greatly. The group learns to practice a useful democracy and shared leadership. We find satisfaction in such group activity and enjoy some laughs.
With this body of shared coherent meaning we are in better position to respect on another and to co-operate with each other. We find it easier to organize collective action. We have enough leadership available to act effectively together without a leader! Some benefits go beyond our expectations, and need to be experienced to be understood. We seem to become supporters, protectors, and creators of culture. The practice moves us closer to mutual understanding and mutual respect.
Very briefly from light to heavy here is the way we begin the practice. This is what we do. We sit around and listen to each other in the knowledge that we have some control over topic and time. We take short turns speaking on a topic offed by the group. Everyone listens to you with the intent of understanding. This continues for years as we keep our skills and methods sharp. In the process we sometimes going so far as laying an assumption or opinion of ours on the table where we can all look it over. At another time we could ed up sharing the names of our favorite colors.
It is the practice that counts. Something like going to the gym twice a week, going through your ballet moves, meditation, or any of the practices we humans have. There are now 31 posts on this blog to help you through what I am trying to get across. There are also five pretty good search apps on the blog to aid your explorations.
There is also a "comments" section just below where you can ask questions, make suggestions, correct one or more of my many errors, or even comment on the content of a specific post.
Thank you for reading and your kind visits.
Sunday, February 6, 2022
A Democratic Meeting: Hints about it's nature (The people have fogotten that it is about them)
Dialogue With RCS: Meetings and perhaps especially democratic meetings can benefit from the kind of dialogue we have begun to look at.
On to the hints. A meeting is more democratic the more it is:
Here are some happenings that may occur at a meeting whether it is democratic or not:
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Our Dialogue
Dialogue With RCS: About the Nature of Our Dialogue
dialogue talk is designed to create areas of coherence in the vastness
of misunderstanding. Often a major benefit of our dialogue is to give us
a better chance to experience the power of collectively shared meaning
which we have created. Most ordinary talk in our society may be called
incoherent. To learn to do our dialogue talk, takes ongoing practice.
This practice we have called Dialogue for Peace, Magic Table Dialogue,
and just The Dialogue. The Dialogue has rules which call for practice.
The rules need not be rigid, but they do call for practice which is
Dialogue is aimed at learning to think together coherently. Thinking
together coherently calls for sustained practice. An early practice may
be called a listening practice, but calls for some use of your voice as
well as of your ears and mind. Thinking together is both satisfying and a
great power. We believe that it is well worth the effort.
thinking together is a learning and growth process. It occurs on
various levels of consciousness. It occurs in one, in mental talk to
one's self, or even on unspoken levels. We could just say that a lot of
learning goes on in dialogue our practice.
Make comments below. I respect suggestions and am grateful for them.
Suggestions about how the dialogue might be done online can benefit us.
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